Friday, June 17, 2011

Adult Sex Toys… Facts & Myths Explained

Myth: Only people who have a bad sex life or no sex life use sex toys:

Adult Sex Toy Fact: Research on adult sex toy usage suggests that people who are having sex use sex toys more than those who are not having any sex at all, and that between 25-35% of people have used some sort sex toy at least once. Adult sex toys are not the be all and end all; they are an addition to ones sexual repertoire.

Myth: Adult sex toys become addictive:

Adult Sex Toy Fact: Addiction implies problem, and there is no problem with one using adult sex toys (as long as they’re used correctly). It’s true that people could become use to using a sex toy, and even come to rely on it, but there is no “withdrawal symptoms” associated and anyone can easily get themselves back to masturbation or having sex with a partner without involving sex toys. People who suggest that adult sex toy addiction is real are often people who believe that any sex toy use is unnatural and wrong.

Myth: If a woman owns a sex toy, she will not need a man:

Adult Sex Toy Fact: Adult sex toys are not a replacement for a real person. A sex toy cannot make you breakfast, or cuddle you, or tell you it loves you. Most men are intimidated by sex toys as they think that the most important thing about them is what’s between their legs. These ideas about male sexuality sink in early, and as a result most men are insecure about their sexual importance. Another thing to remember is that there are a lot of women who do not want a man in the first place, and no sex toy is going to change that decision one way or the other.

Myth: Only guys that cannot get any “real” sex use adult sex toys:

Adult Sex Toy Fact: When people think of a male using a sex toy, they picture a guy in a raincoat, buying the “masturbator” and watching porn in his basement while getting off.  The truth about men and sex toys is that millions of men use them, in one study 21% of respondents said they use a sex toy, both when they are in relationships and also when single. The best way for a man to be a better lover is for him to learn more about his own sexual response. Masturbation, with or without sex toys, is the key to this, as one can learn how to control ejaculation. Using an adult sex toy does not mean a man is a loser; it means he’s smart, and likely to be better in bed for it.

Myth: Using adult sex toys make sex less natural:

Adult Sex Toy Fact: Many people have been misinformed or lie to when it comes to sex. They have been taught that “natural sex” means one thing only. Is drawing less “natural” when we use paper and a pencil? Is painting more “natural” if we use our own blood, rather than paint? No. Yet sex is somehow less “natural” if we use sex toys to make it different. Adult sex toys are animated not by batteries but by our imagination, and using adult sex toys is as natural as the people who use them.

Myth: There are good sex toys and bad sex toys:

Adult Sex Toy Fact: There is no such thing as a “good” or “bad” adult sex toy. Sex toys are whatever we do with them. Let’s just say, a vibrator that would be too strong, too heavy, and painful for one person might be just perfect for another. A dildo that looks weird and feels sticky to someone might be the ideal shape, size and texture for another. The trick here is to find the right sex toy that’s comfortable for you, but most adult sex toys will be good for some people, and bad for others for one reason or another.

Myth: The more you spend for an adult sex toy, the better it will be:

Adult Sex Toy Fact: A $10 vibrator may give you more pleasure than a $250 vibrator. More expensive adult sex toys should last much longer, be made from better materials, and maybe come from smaller, more ethically run companies, but they won’t necessarily feel better or give you anymore pleasure. Adult sex toys are like most other commercial products in that the cheaper ones will do the trick, and more often than not, that’s all we’re looking for. 

Myth: Adult sex toys are kinky:

Adult Sex Toy Fact: Words like “kinky” and “normal” are completely relative and while they may restrict what you feel comfortable talking about (or doing) in public, the sooner you conclude that everyone is “kinky” behind closed doors, the happier and less stressful your sex life will become. Adult sex toys do not make sex kinky, and using them does not “say” anything about what kind of person you are, other than the fact that you are the kind of person who feels worthy of sexual pleasure. This can be a highly respectable reputation to have in any social circle.

Myth: Adult sex toys can cause damage to your body:

Adult Sex Toy Fact: Those people who would prefer us not use adult sex toys at all make up a variety of arguments for why they are bad. They are addictive, their weird, and if you use a sex toy you can ruin your body for “real sex”. For starters, “real sex” is any kind of sex you are having now or thinking about having later. Also, there is no evidence to prove at all that adult sex toys can damage or harm your sexual sensitivity or genitalia. Of course you could always poke out your eye if you don’t use your sex toy properly, but the same is true when using a fork and no one is telling you to throw that away are they.

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